Called Ambras syndrome and is in fact the phenomenon of ypertrichosis due to a chromosomal abnormality.
From the Middle Ages, have been only 50 such cases of people and the elders when they saw them connecting with the werewolves.Below you will find 10 people who had the syndrome ypertrichosis from around the world ..
01 - Yu Zhenhuan
The Yu was born in Anshan city in the Chinese province of Anshan in 1979 and started growing his hair at age two and eventually covered approximately 96% of his body.It also has trouble hearing due to an accumulation of hair in his ears.
02 - Jesús Aceves
The Jesús 'Chuy' Aceves was born in Loreto, Zacatecas, Mexico, and is the second person in his family born with a rare condition known as hirsutism. Chuy's face is covered with hair, making him look like the legendary werewolf or, as some call it, a human monkey. The Chuy is married and has two daughters, one of which is the same situation.
03 - Ramos Gomez Brothers
Life for brothers Victor 'Larry' and Gabriel 'Danny' Ramos Gomez, just definitely not boring. It acrobats and often play on television in the series The X-Files.
04 - Stephan Bibrowski
The Stephan Bibrowski (1891-1932), better known as Lionel the Lion, was a renowned performer sideshow. The entire body was covered with hair and gave the impression of a lion.The Bibrowski born in 1891 in Warsaw, Poland, and had covered his body with hair 1 inch.
05 - Pruthviraj Patil
The Pruthviraj Patil was born into a wealthy farming family in the Indian province of Sangali which is close to Mumbai, with the "syndrome Werewolf 'and has covered the entire body and face with thick hair.While the family tried various treatments nothing resulted in
06 - Annie Jones
The Annie Jones (1860 - 1902) was a bearded woman who did touring with PT Barnum as a circus attraction. There is epivaiveomeno they were so genetically or disease.In 1902, Jones died of tuberculosis
07 - Supatra Sasuphan
The Supatra Sasuphan, a 13 year old girl from Thailand, suffering from the syndrome werewolf.While at school they called Wolf Girl when she won the Guinness became very popular.supatra This is within the 50 persons with Ambras syndrome, which caused a faulty chromosome.
08 - Julia Pastrana
The Julia Pastrana (1834-25 March 1860) was born in Mexico and spread to hirsutism in Europe in the 19th century.Charles Darwin described it as a Spanish dancer who hid a wonderful woman with thick and hairy geniada head.'s ears and nose was unusually large and the teeth were irregular.
09 - Percilla Bejano
The Percilla born on April 26, 1911 in the city of Bayamon, south of Puerto Rico's capital San Juan.Even as a child was Percilla drew attention to both the public and the medical community. As a baby, Percilla and her parents traveled to New York to be examined by a team of doctors. He remained in New York for seven months before returning to Puerto Rico. The Percilla died in 2001 at the age of 89 years. the
10th - Fedor Jeftichew
Born in 1868 in St. Petersburg, Russia Fedor had a very good athletic performance and has done many things for himself to become world famous.He worked for PT Barnum at the age of 16 years.He spoke Russian, German and English.
The 10 most hairy people
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