The psychologist gives you the 10 things you need to stop struggling to change in your partner. Thus is the nature tou.Poses times have you reached your limits? How many times have you stenachorethei something he did or did not do good you? But how difficult it can be to ...
remember once your birthday? How mind wants to hold that you do not like red and stop shopping for your red gifts? Why do not you send flowers often? Why not try? Why does not claim, why not wrestling? Why the difficult the Chinese do? Why just men and women are different. Different anatomy, different thinking, different data. Do not judge his feelings by the way you would like to behave. That is not identical to your own "rules", "requirements" does not mean she loves you. It means simply that we are different and everyone has their own data. Psychologist Chrysoula Mavrakis So come give us these data. So it is with what are called to live. Without whining, because I just do not change. This is ... by their mother! DIFFERENT ... PEOPLE For men, we must have our mind that there are women. And the difference is not just the anatomy. Men are generally different kind of women. They have another mentality, a different outlook, they have other skills and abilities, so we should not talk about equality, but equal value. Because only among themselves, similarly we have equality. We can not equate that to a pound of oranges a pound of milk, because it is another thing of milk and another thing oranges. We can talk about two oranges that is larger and is smaller, that is sweeter, while the other is more sour. So is the man and woman. There are the same ... It is one thing the man and another woman. It sozontousan too many relationships where kratagame in mind this very great truth, that men are different. So things women think that is obvious, because for us it is obvious or that you had to understand and to think and to do men, so why not men think differently. YOUR DATA 1. On the issue of relationships, men are not as complicated as we women. 2. The direction is left - right. It is not like us to do several trips from streets, to reach back to the main. 3. They do not think and do not analyze like we do. "Yes" is yes and "no" is not. Not sit as we analyze it said 'no', whether through the "no" meant something else, because it was quick to say "yes", do you hide this "yes" to something else? 4. In their relations so that men are much more straightforward, shorter and more lucid. 5. When they want something and they like the show. When bored or tired or scared or pressured by the commitment ... The show also. 6. For those relationship means: my partner to think, puts me above all, to care only, do everything I like is obliged to do if he wants to be near me. 7. In other words, is very self-centered, because then they have grown up basically the moms and those expecting and by their partners. 8. Themselves merely to be consistent to the basics. Ie: "I paid the rent ... I did the table ... I got a phone to go ...." and demands of women: to get me the first care of the morning, last night, the first phone call the day your last phone call the day your ... not apply. 9. It does not apply: I remember anniversaries, I bring flowers on every occasion you do surprises, I always do what you want, put aside myself and I me. 10. The relationship lasts as long as they think they can get and it ends when you have somewhere to fight or be pressured to change things, to claim or attempt. FINAL WOMEN ... ... Because it is destined to become mothers, are much more mature. Even the more they are young they think most other, care for them, too dative and sometimes submissive. Perhaps this should make them more responsible for maintaining the relationship at the desired level and just because they are more mature and more conscious to have more grace, more understanding and make and effort and be more imaginative in order for the relationship to succeed and last.
10 data that are good in your relationship!
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