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The brave acrobat Freddy Nock, always had a special love for great heights.

But nothing can be compared with his latest venture. Crossed without any protective, the cable that runs along the mountain Corvatsch in Switzerland at an altitude of over 1,500 meters!

The mountain is located near the ski resort of St. Moritz. The tumbler 45, who works in a circus has moved from one side to the other end with only one stick of the asset balance.

 The remarkable thing is that at some points the height exceeded even the 3,000 meters. The Bold Nock has previously dared similar acrobatic "tricks" across the mountain slopes of most of Germany, or when passed over the lake Zurich.

The Nock began to deal with the awkward age of 4 years. Previously he had managed to collect $ 19,000 from such a venture, which he donated to charities for Ethiopia.