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Have a good attitude, but you can not do many things simultaneously. You might be better drivers, but you most likely to lose your hair. If you put down, you probably are losing the battle.

1. You pay just to go out with us have to admit, that under the traditional rule of appointment, you will pay. But a meal, a drink, a coffee, whatever it is cherry. We accept and enjoy. In contrast with that if you dare to buy her a woman will be offended and feel disadvantaged. 2. You can not cry without a reason To cry, if you ever go, be there's an obvious reason. The defeat of your team say in a derby. Lost, of course you have not discovered yet what a nice way is to break out. While we we go from slavery and break out into tears, so needlessly. Just had a rough day. 3. You are always hunters do not blame you, blame Mother Nature. Do not forget that a few centuries ago hunted to feed us and your children. The only difference is that now chasing us. And if you give them everything on a plate, xeneronetai and do not want. Not really, how sick can that be? 4. You can do many things at once here I must acknowledge the talent of orientation and segregation of things. Do you think you fall short, everywhere. But you must admit, if you like give you four things at once, there will be doom and go mad from stress. 5. I'll blame if you look at the soap opera As do the onomataki will come if you can begin using the Esmeralda and the antics of Korina's wildcats. Imagine what joke you have to eat from your friends if you refuse a coffee with them because it has the TV Onur. While we are whatever we decide to observe this effect. 6. Greater chance of losing your hair do not say, happens to us, but if you take a look at the stats you'll see that we women excel. And if you can not find stats, take just a look around you. 7. Can you Craxi wearing girly colors do not always one and now has started to become a fashion that. But if you have the guts to go in Sfakia in plaid shorts and pink shirt. Or with a colorful staraki. While we could always wear colors like that. Nobody ever cried because we were wearing black. 8. You must have enough power for heavy work Imagine now make the move and your girlfriend to cry for help. As you know I will not cry for packaging, but for kouvalima. Die earlier No. I'm not going to give you your heart black festive days, but again statistically, women live longer than men. Nobody knows why so do not try to change it. Just accept it. 10. You can not become a mom you become dads, of course, whenever something is too. But the miracle of motherhood is not going to ever live. The painful process as they are, whatever you ask her mother, will tell you that the birth was the best experience of her life.