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The earth from side to side, from top to the deepest part of the ocean, meet the most ...

extreme points of land where the thermometer freezes or breaks and geography takes on another, more interesting, meaningful. The hottest place on the planet Desert City (Iran) Increased temperature: 71 ° C The specific issue for most is the hottest Part of the Earth has troubled scientists. Many believe that this is Al Azizaia in Libya, where he recorded the temperature reached 57.8 degrees Celsius, but according to a NASA satellite, this record has been shattered by 71 degrees Celsius recorded in the desert Luton Iran. The desert covers an area of 480 km if the data correspond to reality, this is the warmest temperature that is 'burned' never the planet's surface. Soon, of course, with all these weather anomalies is not impossible to break and the record ... The most remote part of the center of the Earth Mountain Tsimporaso (Ecuador) Height: 6,310 meters above sea level, everyone knows that Everest is the tallest mountain in the world, with a peak of nearly 8,848 meters above sea level! But there are many who know the mountain (and inactive volcano) Tsimporaso in Ecuador. Tsimporaso Can be more ... shorter than Mount Everest in 'paper' but it is the tallest mountain in the world, if you calculate the distance between the top of the center of the Earth. This is because the earth is a sphere, but with flattened ball poles. As ball, the Earth is wider at the equator and Tsimporaso located just below the equator, and in this position rises to 6,384 meters from the center of the earth . In a nutshell Tsimporaso 'beats' Everest-in terms of distance from the center of the Earth-to 2 km! The highest waterfall on Earth Salto Angel (Venezuela) Height: 984 feet the tallest waterfall is in Venezuela, and the water the fall in the river Kerep, which ends at the River Tsourou. If the name of Salto Angel does not tell you something, then perhaps the 'international' English name, Angel Falls, to awaken your memory. The height of the waterfall is so big that a large quantity of water evaporates before it even reaches the ground , creating a wave of fog, which is felt by a distance of 1.5 km! worth mentioning that in the highly anticipated film Up (Up in Heaven) are fantastic waterfalls Paradise Falls, is essentially the Salto Angel and the producers looked much the region before the creation of film. The coldest habitable place on Earth Oimiakon (Russia) Lowest temperature: - 71,2 ° C a small village located in the Republic of Sakha in Russia has 800 residents and what makes it special is that there was recorded the lowest temperature has been observed ever habitable place on the planet! Specifically, on January 26, 1926, the thermometer dropped to -71.2 degrees Celsius, and apart from the aforementioned record and broke another: that of the lowest temperature ever recorded in northern hemisphere of the earth. We note, however, that the lowest temperature that has a 'hit' ever Earth was in 1983 in Antarctica. The thermometer 'froze' at -89,4 ° C. The driest part of the world Dry Lakes Mack Marnto (Antarctica) The 'Dry Valleys' is an area of 4,800 sq. km. covering 0.03% of Antarctica and are named because of extremely low humidity in the region and the lack of snow or glacier. For 2 million years, has not dropped a single drop of rain and with the exception of a small area where a river and some small lakes in Dry Lakes Marnto Mac, there is nowhere a trace of water. The only change these conditions due to katabatic winds in the region. Specific winds occur when frozen and dense air is pulled to the surface of the earth due to the forces of gravity! The winds reach speeds of 320 km / hour and evaporate the suspected liquid component, leaving the land dry and completely dry. The most remote habitable island planitiTristan da Cunha (UK) Distance: 3,218 km from the nearest continent To most distant island in the world located in the southern Atlantic Ocean, and is so small (65 m) which has no airstrip. The population is about 300 residents, of whom the majority suffer from hereditary and chronic asthma and glaucoma. The island belongs to Britain and although residents can make online orders, the distribution is slow especially. Maybe this is the ... price to dwell on an (almost) private island in the middle of nowhere! as deep sea of Mariana Trench (Indonesia-Japan) Depth: 11,035 feet under the seabed if the top of Everest is the tallest point on earth, then The moat of Marianna should be just the opposite: the deeper, low point of land. Located in the west Pacific Ocean, and took its name from the Mariana Islands in the vicinity. The trench extends to 2,550 km and a width of 69 km. The deepest point, called the Challenger Deep, reaching 11,035 feet below sea level and is the point where two major tectonic plates of the Pacific meet. At this point the pressure reaches 108,5 MPa, that is over a thousand times higher than the atmospheric pressure at the surface. To understand the exact size, suffice to say that if you place Mount Everest in this position of the Pacific Ocean would seem even the top, because it was 2 kilometers below the surface (see photo)!