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In alternative homes and hotels original eco-type, converted airplanes ...

After closing the life cycle and can not travel. There are many variations that one can encounter, and as we see from the pictures the result is certainly impressive! In this plane type Boeing 747, located at the airport in Stockholm and works a hotel which made ​​and various conferences. After many years of travel, the airplane has to host several customers who visit frequently, since it is one of the most unique restaurants in Colorado. In a luxury hotel that offers all the comforts converted Boeing 727 that located in the National Park of Costa Rica. Guests can enjoy the magnificent views, with profit in mind, of course, as prices stand at $ 500 a night. Approximately 4.5 million needed to recycle parts from an old Boeing 747 to build an environmentally sustainable home built over an area of 55 acres in hills of Malibu. How would you feel if you had the opportunity to enter the Jacuzzi while you are in an airplane? The plane you see offers luxurious spa services, since it operates as a hotel located in the Netherlands.