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SEE: The "soap" weighed 270 pounds and could not lift the nets ...

It is the only womanprofessional fisherman in the area. From toddler to the boat with her ​​father. "I'm 10 years at sea, such a thing I have not xanatychei ... I could not pull the nets. It helped my father, but again was very difficult ...», said the fisherman. The 'heavy' nets had fallen overnight and this morning at around 8:30 in the fishing boat of Vivi from Livanates opened in northern Evia to pick them up. It was at a depth of 50 meters. When they started to pull the old father could not imagine the reserves of the catch. It was so heavy that a tremendous effort and support of technology was finally able to pick up and was surprised to see the nets caught a huge shark. The shark is one of the species found in the Greek seas and called "soap", but rare for the region of Maliakos and Evia. Most likely to be followed by a boat. The "soap" you see in the pictures, no less, he weighed 270 pounds and none of the local fishermen do not remember having caught in the nets as large sharks