We spend about 8 hours / day, 56 hours / week, 240 hours / month and 2,920 hours / year
by doing what?
sleep !!... just simply put the 1 / 3 of our lives we spend in bed doing .. nothing .. they live 90 years to 30 years will be sleeping .. Many are??
There are 2 solutions to this. or to sleep less (I do not know how the sleepyhead is it though) or changing bed and be at least these 30 years in a nice and original place when we fall into the hands of Morpheus. We found some original beds for those hours. . that will make us the mood ..
Paper - bed
Bed balls
Bed balls
Bed Nest
Bed knitted
Rocking bed
Bed Brush
Bed speaker
Wavy bedding
The rose bed
Bed Yin-Yang
The Hamburger Bed
Cool and strange beds!
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