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Forget what you know today. Follow these 9 smart tips and you will be impressed by how much weight you lose:

1) Eat chocolate cake rather than
desperately If you crave something sweet to eat, there is no reason to suffer. It is best to eat when you want something very well controlled manner. It's also best to eat a piece of chocolate, but a piece of cake because it has far more calories.

2) Get enough
adequate sleep has been proven to help you lose weight. The adults should sleep 8 hours ideally at night or in the worst case less than 6 hours. 3) Drink 2 liters of water a day This is a really good habit to get. It is very important especially if you exercise a habit. Be sure to drink 2 liters or 8 glasses of water each day. Fill a 2 liter bottle of water every morning, so you can track how much you drink. 4) Exercise Aerobic exercise helps burn calories. However, equally good is to do weights, if you want to lose fat. 5) Eat 6 small meals is good for your metabolism to eat regularly. So avoid eating 3 large meals a day. Instead eat 6 small meals. Just make sure that it is indeed small! 6) Positive Thinking Positive thinking will make you feel better and have more motivation to diet. Focus on your goal to make sure you get to get to him. 7) Make sure you eat after exercise Exercising on an empty stomach is a great way to burn stored fat in your body. Exercise also reduces your appetite (if you work hard enough), so you end up eating less. 8) Choose a diet plan that suits you when choosing a diet program, make sure it is a program that fits their personality and lifestyle and you can follow it on a permanent basis. 9) Find the support you need has proven to be much more likely to succeed if you have support. Talk to other people, following the same diet and can give you the encouragement you need. woman365