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If you say or hear from him / her your partner the phrase, 'not tonight dear', more often than your name, then perhaps you have the new syndrome 'beats' more and more couples: fellow anorexia!

If your / your partner is cold / h remote / her and has no appetite for sex, if you yourself think of sex as ... chore, then the article below to you! A classic case of "intimate partner anorexia ' "She spends hours glued to the Internet or send text messages, but seems not to have to say anything to me. does everything not to be alone the two us. And it's always too tired or too drunk to make love, "says Emma, ​​a beautiful blond for her husband Bill.

The strange thing is that Bill would insist that he loves his wife. The problem is the "fellow anorexia," a term created by the U.S. psychologist Douglas Weiss to describe a painful form of withdrawal, claiming that destroys millions of weddings - the withdrawal of emotional, spiritual and sexual intimacy. 's book " Anorexia: Healing the Hidden Addiction in Your Marriage "(Intimacy Anorexia: Healing The Hidden Addiction In Your Marriage) just released in the U.S.. Answer the questions and find out if you suffer from "sexual anorexia" Did you also suffer from this syndrome? Under Dr. Weiss, if your answers are positive on five or more of the following questions, then you should run into serious problem that threatens your relationship: 1. You are always 'too busy' to be interested in the problems of his / her partner? 2. His / her throw the blame for any problem arise? 3. His / her depriving love and support when you know that your needs? 4. Not his / her recognize achievements? 5. You do not want to have sex with him / her as often as before? 6. Not his / her feelings and confide your problems? 7. Him / her to criticize then? 8. Keep away? 9.Chrisimopoieite money as a weapon: his / her hide the true financial situation you do not him / her give enough money or using money to control the / your partner? If you have the opposite problem, then Take a look here: "my doctor I ever SEX! I'm sick?" Sources: