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The obelisk at the entrance of the village Anegiosi may seem ordinary, but protecting the lives of inhabitants from the deadly tsunami that struck Japan on March 11. is there hundreds of years and has over the engraved words of the ancestors of current residents Anegiosi. "Do not build your houses down here!" Warns one of the phrases are written on it.

The 34 villagers have not violated the ancient advice and so the tiny community was saved from the devastating tsunami, although geographically located in one of the most heavily hit areas.
The ancient stone erected there, who survived another giant tsunami that swept through the northeastern coast of Japan, at some point in history. In 1896 recorded a far larger wave height in the region Iouate, which had reached 38 meters. Then they had killed 22 000 people. The accumulated experience of the Japanese often the tsunami hit per year is recorded in such obelisks, which exist in various parts of the country, to protect future generations from natural hazards