The Annampel Gouaitchaouz, was born with a rare genetic disorder called 'ichthyosis'. The main feature is the intensely dry and scaly skin that resembles the scales of fish.
Her skin Annampel 5 year old, can "change" a dozen times during the day and hardens and 'fall', so we are forced by the day of birth, to put every inch of her face a special cream! In the photo, you see the little girl at age 3 years.
Born covered with 'scales'!
Once born, it was clear that the girl had a problem with his skin. 'I remember around the room in absolute silence prevailed birth soon saw it. In seconds I was afraid that my baby was dead, but then I exigisna situation ", recalls Sonia.
Entire body was covered with a thick hard shell like a membrane, while the ears, nose, hands and legs emoizan like they have scales! The first 9 months, the couple should be covered with special cream around the baby's body every hour 24 hours a day! However, the outcome was worth every hassle, after finally managed to 'chase' the film and see the features of their daughter for the first time!
'Changes' skin every day!
From then until now, her parents Annampel, rub the face and hands of the little one every 3 to 4 hours and then wrapped in bandages, so keep it hydrated and not afinounna to harden and to 'break' creating painful sores!
The 5 year old child can now participate in activities such as ballet (photo by or the horse but not yet been able to accept his situation. 'I want to be like you', says her parents ever!
The harsh reviews in the world!
As they explain, difficult for their daughter is not only physical discomfort but mainly psychological. 'Unfortunately, people make comments when hard faces the red as burnt skin of our small', they say. "We are on vacation in summer and a taxi when he saw her he asked" in the microwave put the child? ", Describes the newspaper Daily Mail Annampel mother, Sonia.
With the help of a paidipsychologou, parents Annampel trying to help her feel beautiful and continue to strive for a normal life!
The care and love that the little girl, in conjunction with proper medical treatment, have brought a great result! This one can understand seeing this baby in China born with the same disorder that has the Annampel!
A 5 year old girl who "changes" skin every day!
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