What to eat to enjoy sex - and to live to 100!
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The active sex life is good heart, memory and immune system - reveals a new book - can boost your drinking coffee and eating peanuts!
A good sex life not only makes you feel and look younger, but can help you live longer. This is the assertion of a new book entitled «Younger (Sexier) You» (could be translated "younger and sexier") and signed by Dr. Eric Breiverman, anti-aging expert from the U.S..
Dr. Breiverman, who is an assistant professor of medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell University, New York, says the newspaper «Daily Mail» that sex raises levels of hormones, thus prolonging youth. In addition, it stimulates the metabolism, brain function, cardiac health and vigor of the immune system.
And if your sex life is ... latency, there is no despair, they say. Whether you're 30 or 100, the combination of careful diet, supplements and certain "natural" hormones can restore your libido and benefit your health.
Dr. Breiverman writes that many sexual problems can be addressed with proper nutrition.
Coffee consumption, for example, can boost declining libido, and a few peanuts as a snack can increase sexual stimulation. Brown rice also can convert volcano ... a cold woman, while avocados increase the ability to derive no satisfaction from sex.
The health benefits
What are the benefits of sex health? Among those cited by Dr. Breiverman include more robust muscles and bones - apparently, a healthy sex drive helps the skin produce more vitamin D when exposed to sunlight and vitamin D is essential for musculoskeletal health.
Sex also stimulates production of the "hormone of love" of oxytocin, which helps the brain to function well and retains its memory-razor.
Dr. Breiverman also cites a study conducted at Queens University, Belfast, and showed that sex three or more times a week reduces by half the chances of heart attack and stroke in men.
Orgasms are also believed to fight infection, and increase to 20% the number of cells that fight viruses and bacteria. According to a U.S. study, regular sex also increases levels of an antibody necessary for protection against flu viruses and colds.
Moreover, recently revealed that increased sexual activity in old age may reduce the chances of men to develop prostate cancer.
All this, however, can sound very boring to those who do not have satisfactory sex life. Usually this is attributed to that they wore a permanent relationship or to have the 'psychological' them. Dr. Breiverman, however, argues that the real problem is biological aging.
Ageing is partly due to the development of chronic diseases, which are very common after 40. The heart and kidney problems eg can cause erectile dysfunction, and diabetes can reduce sexual desire and arousal because it affects sensitive nerves.
Taking medications, antidepressant medications to stress, also may have some negative effect.
And after the climacteric, "one of the biggest enemies of a healthy sex life," according to Dr. Breiverman. Whether it's the wife or husband, the climacteric is accompanied by a decrease in levels of sex hormones, thus impairing the sexual desire and function.
The brain
"A healthy sexual function, however, depends on how the brain reacts to messages received from the body," adds Dr. Breiverman.
When the brain works perfectly, the chemicals produced and distributed in an ideal manner. Decreased sexual desire can be the first indication that a problem with one of four key chemicals.
These substances are dopamine, acetylcholine, GABA and serotonin. The failure in any of them, this creates sexual problem.
This shortcoming may be due to disease or simply old age, said Dr. Breiverman. He adds that depending on the problem and the substance from which it derives, the appropriate changes in diet, which could help - and so some nutritional supplements, but should not be taken before consulting your doctor, especially if you suffer from a disease.
Here's what can happen and what you can do ...
Decreased sexual desire
May be due to a lack of dopamine. Foods that stimulate the production of the protein is, ie meat, poultry, dairy and the germ of the wheat. It should contain protein each of the three main meals of the day.
Production may also stimulate basil, black pepper, cayenne pepper, the peppers, fennel, garlic, ginger, rosemary, cumin, sesame, coffee and tea.
As for supplements, what can help is folic acid, ginseng, thiamine and zinc.
Decreased sexual arousal
May be due to a lack of acetylcholine. Liver, eggs, wheat germ, peanuts, almonds, broccoli, cabbage, basil, cumin, mint, sage, thyme and turmeric may help. So the supplements choline and omega-3 fatty acids.
Anxiety about sex
The reduced production of the substance GABA increases the stress and the sufferer can not relax to enjoy sex. Can you help carbohydrate-rich foods (brown rice, whole grains, potatoes), broccoli, spinach, lentils, bananas, citrus fruits, caraway, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, the coriander, Louisa, oregano, paprika, poppy seeds, rosemary, sage, chamomile, lemon and drink one to two glasses of wine a day.
From supplements, may be useful are magnesium and vitamin B6.
Bad mood
The lack of serotonin can cause feelings of misery and melancholy, making sex prohibitive. May assist the pork, avocado, kottatz tsiz, duck, eggs, the germ of wheat, turkey, chicken, chocolate, dill, marjoram is, nutmeg, mint, egg plant, the spearmint and turmeric.
Magnesium and vitamin D may also benefit you.
The best aphrodisiac
* Asparagus. It is rich in vitamin E, which stimulates the production of hormones necessary for an active sex life
* Bananas. Contain the enzyme bromelain, which is believed to improve sexual desire in men. It is also a good source of potassium and riboflavin (vitamin B2), which increase the energy.
* Cabbage. It contains substances that improve blood circulation and thus perfusion of genital organs.
* Celery. Contains andosteroni, a male hormone believed to stimulate erotic women.
* Wild yam. Contains chemicals that increase the sensitivity of the genitals.
* Figs. Increase libido and enhance sexual stamina, because it is rich in amino acids - the building blocks of proteins needed in the brain to produce the chemical dopamine.
* Oysters. They are rich in zinc, which is necessary for the production of testosterone (the principal male sex hormone and plays a key role in sexual desire and erection). They also contain dopamine.
* Algae. Calcium, iodine and iron, which is believed to stimulate sexual desire
Read more in the book «Younger (Sexier) You: Look And Feel 15 Years Younger By Having The Best Sex Of Your Life» (will be released in Britain on March 1 from the publisher Rodale Press)